tired of it

one can stand only so much rain and fog. the last week has been nothing but rain and fog and rain and fog.

the coming week isn't looking much better. i might have a chance at getting a day or two of nice weather. this just sucks...


Kathleen Jennette said...

Boy you guys are getting pounded! We have the heat--HOT HEAT! Have a happy holiday in any case!

Kathleen Jennette said...

Boy you guys are getting pounded! We have the heat--HOT HEAT! Have a happy holiday in any case!

Biker Betty said...

My condolences on your weather. Wow, you sure do get the bad weather. Most days here are great, sorry don't mean to rub it in.

Macrobe said...

I don't meant to rub it in either, but...... no, I won't rub it in ;)
Sending some warm dry weather your way.

Vinod said...

That sucks! Hope the weather has improved.