Myrtle Beach rallies gone?

Apparently so...

Excerpt from Mayor's letter:

Myrtle Beach is no longer the location for two long-running motorcycle
events. After many years, our residents grew weary of three weeks of
noise and traffic congestion each May, and they asked City Council to
end the events. As a result, the Harley-Davidson Dealers Association
Spring Rally and the Atlantic Beach Memorial Day Bikefest will not be
held in Myrtle Beach.

New Rules & Ordinances

So that takes out two motorcycle rallies.  Honda has already canceled the annual Honda Hoot.  Here's hoping this isn't a growing trend.  Sad days indeed...


Allen Madding said...

I don't really consider Myrtle much of a loss. I am just not that into 48 putt-putt courses. And gulf beaches are prettier.


Mr. Motorcycle said...

Will be interesting to see how this affects Myrtle Beach, SC, and the rally as well.