new taillight.

New tail light
Originally uploaded by giest.

my new Highway Hawk taillight cover came in today. it's too cloudy and rainy to ride, but at least i can put accessories on...hehe.


Macrobe said...

I love the hawk tail light cover. Really. It reminds me of some of the gothic trimmings on old cathedrals in Europe. How about a side shot? It's beautiful.

Welcome back to taking flight on two wheels. It's addictive, isn't it? :) Sometimes I don't want to get off the bike. It's medicine for the soul.

Giest said...

yeah, i love the gothic look of it. that's the look i'm trying to go for on the bike. anything i get for it is going to be gothic. i'll get you another picture from the side as soon as it stops raining... :)

i've always been addicted to riding. the bike i have now is quite an upgrade from my old ride. i went from a Kawasaki 44LTD to a Shadow Sabre 1100.