Minor blessing

For once, I can actually say I'm happy to see rain.  It's currently 3C (37F) out there with occasional rain showers.  It's nice to wake up to a day without heavy blowing snow.  I swear, this has been one of the worst winters we've had in years.

Last night, we had a small gathering of our club members to celebrate the second anniversary of our chapter.  For two years we've been slowly growing and getting the word out about the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers.  It's difficult getting something like that growing in this city, but it's rewarding when you get everyone together.

The food was great, the company and conversation was even better.  We even had a cake made up with the clubs logo on top.  Once everyone was done eating, we all sat down to watch a little of the Ride Like a Pro video to make us all feel like amateurs.  We've all agreed that we need practice. :)

There are many things planned for the coming season including attendance at an east coast rally for our CMC chapters.  It's crazy to think that March is right around the corner and I already have to start organizing and planning things.  As much as I want winter to be over, I don't want time to go by too fast.

Here's to the coming end of a wacky winter, a warm and sunny riding season, and many exciting adventures to come! *clink*


Lucky said...

Hey Giest,

Congrats on the success of your CMC chapter. Not always easy to get something like that off the ground, then keep up the momentum so it stays afloat. Probably even harder when it deals with a "seasonal affliction" like motorcycling.

You're right about the Ride Like A Pro videos - really humbles ya, don't it? I'd love to get the actual training, but the closest place to offer the course seems to be in New Jersey.


Hang in there, bro, spring'll be here someday.


Mr. Motorcycle said...

Springs just around the corner. I can smell it. I'm getting antsy.